Sunday, June 12, 2011

Things I Know For Sure

There are times, like today, that I am looking for answers.  When tihs happens, I find myself  "googling" the Internet like it will give me the answers.  I really tink that we need to research to find other people in like situations or even find advice from "professional" who are selling or sharing their wares out there.  But, most of the time when I am looking for advice, I can't really find it.  And if I think about it, who am I getting advice from....another human being that has their own problems unsolved in life.  So, hopefully, by putting it all out there (and I am actually thinking, "should I just be doing this in Word? instead of airing my thoughts and problems to the world?), I can work thru to the answers. 

Friday, September 11, 2009

Still Alive

It's funny how as your children get older they seem to think that their life is the only thing that matters.  Don't they realize that we (parents) used to be the one getting dolled up on a Friday night.  That our world was being rocked by someone special.  As a mother I try to remember what i was doing and feeling at their age, it really helps me to take a step back and think about them when they are "out of control" as parents seem to label it (including myself).  In perspective, I think they are doing what it takes to grow up and make decisions for themselves and figure out who they are.